Hello! Welcome to my world!

My name is Stephanie Georgiou. I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Limassol in the island of Cyprus and I am a Certified Professional Coach with specialization in life coaching, relationship coaching and leadership coaching mostly for teenagers and young adults. I am also a theta healing practitioner, motivational speaker, writer and entrepreneur and concurrently with my life coaching business, I am also working in my family business which operates in the Cypriot HORECA sector.

My journey in the world of personal development began from my early teenage years as I remember myself reading various books, attending seminars, listening to motivational talks and generally doing anything I could in order to find out the real purpose of life as well as ways by which people could be more happy, optimistic and faithful. Nevertheless, I had the feeling that I was different than all the other kids of my age and for this reason I chose to isolate myself. Also, I could not easily express my real views, feelings and emotions, as I used to believe that the others would most probably criticize or make fun of me. Therefore, this led me to start communicating my “truth” through writing. The world of writing was actually my only escape where I was able to create my own world of happiness. Hence the result of this need for communication through writing was an award in a national creative writing competition for teenagers at the age of 14 years old for one of my poems dedicated to the real purpose of life, which you can also find in my website.

The next step after my graduation from high school was a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance followed by a master’s degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Warwick in U.K. Even though my path at that time seemed to be shiny full of success and triumph, it actually was not as it seemed. Going through a dark period of depression at the age of 21 led me to begin going through the process of “rediscovering” myself. Every day was like a battle with myself and every small win was considered like a big achievement for me. Having lost every belief and faith in myself and in my abilities, I used to wear my “smiley face mask” without letting the others realize what I was going through. There were some never-ending nights where my soul was suffering as I was able to see the angry and cruel face of that monster called “depression” leaving me worried, exhausted and lonely. Nevertheless, I took the decision and I was determined to do whatever I could in order to stand back to knees again and I was willing to let nothing and nobody to get in my way of success. I was willing to learn from my mistakes and turn those negative experiences into fruitful opportunities for improving myself. Being lucky enough to have by my side my family and especially my mother, I was slowly able to listen to heart again while cultivating new and more pleasant habits, cutting off toxic and negative people from my life and I was finally able to put that authentic smile back to my face again. From that moment onwards I began appreciating each and every moment of my life, considering it as a blessing. Moreover, I gave a promise to myself that as far as I could, I would never allow any teenage kid or young adult to go through what I went through. All kids of that age deserve to live in a world full of happiness, love and light where they could create their own reality and reach for their dreams without depending on the opinions of others.  Hence, I had the need and that spark inside me to express this message across the people of the younger generation. The only way that I could do this was to give an example through my own self-development process in order to become the best version of myself.

As they use to say, “when the student is ready, the teacher appears” and it was at that time that my teachers, the world renowned life coaches and best-selling authors Nikolas Ouranos and Jill Douka appeared “magically” in my life and from that moment onwards everything began to change! My dreams and desires became specific and actionable goals and that goals finally became a reality. I learned to write down anything that I wanted to achieve and to believe that no matter how crazy my goals and dreams may seemed, they could firmly become realized if I had the faith and confidence required.

Having gone through all this process in order to become who I am today, I continue to work and develop myself as much as I can, as I believe that knowledge as well as spiritual, mental and emotional development never stop.

My purpose is to inspire you and if you allow me to teach you and introduce you to a more positive and constructive way of thinking where your desires, your goals and your dreams become realized. I would also like to awaken you, to encourage you and to understand you without criticizing you and to guide you into living your life by following the desires of your heart and soul while manifesting your own reality.

You are capable of achieving absolutely anything you set your mind to and you have come to this Earth to face your fears, your limiting beliefs and become the best version of yourself. The only thing you have to do is to search for the light within you and to let it guide you. Myself, I am here just to hold your hand through this process and thrust you to reach your full potential!

With all my love, respect and understanding to you and to anything that you may have faced in order to be here today,
