Leadership is not something ready made that you are born with or something that appears suddenly and magically into your life, but it actually comes from your own actions. I always remember myself being inspired by those people who were able to stand up for themselves and express their views and ideas with passion and confidence while being able to change the energy and enlighten the people in a room by just walking into it. This was something that I admired so much but I was obviously miles away from achieving it.

Ever since I was a child, I used to hear the word leadership and thought that it was something extraordinary, magnificent, unique that only a few had the blessing to own. At that time, I was evidently not aware of the real meaning of leadership, but I was determined to find out what actually made those people exceptional with that special kind of fire in their eyes and I was willing to do whatever it takes in order to follow their example and become like them. I even remember myself standing in front of a mirror and acting as if I already possessed those characteristics that made me a leader.

In my eyes, a leader was someone who could stand up tall speaking with confidence and comfort without being afraid of being judged for his beliefs and ideals. At the same time, it was someone who was able to lead a team of people by showing them respect and understanding while paving their way and guiding them to become the best version of themselves. In addition, a true leader was someone who could primarily be the leader of himself before exercising his leadership skills on others. It was the one who had gone through his own self-development journey and he was aware of his own capabilities as well as his weaknesses and he was continually striving to become a better person by knowing how to set clear, specific and measurable goals while respecting his own boundaries.

Most importantly of all, in my view a true and genuine leader was the one who never ever ever gave up on his goals and dreams. He may have fell down or bled many times but despite the difficulties he continued his journey and was willing to reach his Ithaca. He was able to rise and fall a thousand times but he always had the patience, the perseverance and the confidence in himself, in his actions and in his intuition and he was able to see himself as winner before actually becoming it. Hence, through his own example, he was able to inspire the people around him thus encouraging them to trust him as their leader.

Therefore, if you want to become a great leader who is able to enlighten the people around you, start seeing yourself through the eyes of God who is already inside you. Recognize your worth, believe in your abilities and love the real you.

I honor you to become the leader of yourself, the leader of your own life and then to become that leader who will be able to inspire and change the world for the better.


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